Nazi Weltanschauung “worldview” - the core ideological force that launched Naziism violent project in pursuit of a new global order - aimed to dissolve the contradictions between the Nazi conceptualizations of “race” and “space” through the creation of a Germanic Lebensraum [see blog post] and achieve world domination by the, so-called ‘Nordic people’. This combination both ‘biopolitical’ & ‘geo-political’ formed the basis for its Germanization policies, the mission of what it regarded as the “purification of the Volksgemeinschaft a mystical unity, a form of racial soul uniting all German peoples a racial/community,” at very core its state-sponsored genocide of the “other.”
Ken Funk, of Oregon State University, explains 21 March 2001: “Woldview” as literally, a perception of the world as “At the heart of one’s knowledge is one’s “worldview”; a foundation for all reasoning, providing the standards of value to establish the cognitive goals towards which reason works and to select the rules by which reason operates. - A worldview is the set of beliefs about fundamental aspects of Reality that ground & influence all one’s perceiving, thinking, knowing, and doing “… with all reasoning focused & goal-directed …”